Sociologia na UAlg


Social networking

No blog de António Granado encontramos uma dica sobre as "Vinte formas de agregar os perfis das comunidades virtuais". A visitar.


Agenda UE-África

O IEEI, no âmbito do projecto tripartido IEEI-IPAD-ECDPM e com o apoio da Presidência Portuguesa da UE, organiza no dia 13 de Setembro, pelas 15 horas, no Pavilhão Atlântico, uma conferência sobre a Agenda Estratégica UE-África.


Participação das mulheres nas democracias

Women’s Participation in Democracies

International Conference, Casa de Mateus

6-7 September 2007

Marina Costa Lobo, ICS-UL and Anne Cova, ICS-UL
More information


Teoria da reciprocidade

Linda D. Molm University of Arizona
Jessica L. Collett University of Notre Dame
David R. Schaefer Arizona State University

Despite the prevalence of generalized exchange in social life, few studies have investigated the classic anthropological prediction that generalized (indirect) exchange produces greater social solidarity than restricted (direct) exchange. Building on recent work comparing negotiated and reciprocal forms of direct exchange, the authors develop a theory of reciprocity in exchange. The theory argues that two structural characteristics of reciprocity distinguish among all three forms of exchange and affect the emergence of social solidarity through three causal mechanisms. Experimental results provide strong support for the causal logic of the theory and for the predicted ordering of subjective dimensions of solidarity across the three forms of exchange, with generalized indirect exchange > reciprocal direct exchange > negotiated direct exchange.


Obesidade... contagiosa?!

"Obesity can spread from person to person, much like a virus, researchers are reporting today. When a person gains weight, close friends tend to gain weight, too. Their study, published in the New England Journal of Medicine, involved a detailed analysis of a large social network of 12,067 people who had been closely followed for 32 years, from 1971 until 2003. The investigators knew who was friends with whom, as well as who was a spouse or sibling or neighbor, and they knew how much each person weighed at various times over three decades. That let them examine what happened over the years as some individuals became obese. Did their friends also become obese? Did family members or neighbors?"



“Tem uma ideia de negócio. Mas precisa de apoio para a concretizar. Está disposto a apresentá-la num concurso de televisão?” É com este repto que o Instituto Superior de Ciências do Trabalho e da Empresa (ISCTE) e a RTP2 estão a desafiar os empreendedores portugueses a participar no “AUDAX – Negócios à Prova”.
A UAlg é um dos parceiros deste concurso televisivo de incentivo à criação de novas empresas, que conta ainda com a parceria de outros estabelecimentos de ensino superior.

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