Sociologia na UAlg


The 5 Most-Frequently Read Articles

in Sociology during September 2006

1. John Child
Organizational Structure, Environment and Performance: The Role of Strategic Choice
Jan 01, 1972; 6: 1-22. (In "Article") [Abstract] [PDF]

2. Ross Bond
Belonging and Becoming: National Identity and Exclusion
Aug 01, 2006; 40: 609-626. (In "Article") [Abstract] [PDF]

3. Elizabeth Jagger
Is Thirty the New Sixty? Dating, Age and Gender in a Postmodern, Consumer Society
Feb 01, 2005; 39: 89-106. (In "Article") [Abstract] [PDF]

4. Stephen Castles
Towards a Sociology of Forced Migration and Social Transformation
Feb 01, 2003; 37: 13-34. (In "Article") [Abstract] [PDF]

5. David Voas, Alasdair Crockett
Religion in Britain: Neither Believing nor Belonging
Feb 01, 2005; 39: 11-28. (In "Article") [Abstract] [PDF]

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