Sociologia na UAlg


Transatlantic Trends survey on U.S.- Europe foreign policy challenges

Transnational Trends '07
the only comprehensive annual survey of U.S. and European public opinion on the pressing issues facing policymakers today. Transatlantic Trends is a project of the German Marshall Fund of the United States and the Compagnia di San Paolo in Turin, Italy, with additional support from Fundação Luso-Americana, Fundación BBVA, and the Tipping Point Foundation. The 2007 survey shows that despite new leaders in Great Britain, France, and Germany pledging to work with the United States, public expectations for a renewed transatlantic partnership continue to lag behind leaders' rhetoric. Yet our findings also suggest that Americans and Europeans have room for future cooperation as they still share similar concerns on international threats and challenges, particularly with respect to a more assertive Russia, energy dependence, and international terrorism. In addition, our survey also found intriguing trends in attitudes toward the EU. Europeans continue to support EU global leadership and agree that the EU should work in partnership with the United States. However, the survey continues to show growing isolation in Turkey, which appears to be not only turning away from the United States and Europe, but also from Iran. Please follow the links to the key findings report and topline data, or see

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